
Showing posts from April, 2020

Tinkle Vol. 33 No. 612 - Review

Who doesn't love comics? Like seriously, who doesn't!!! There is actually nothing more exciting than reading a story, with all the pictures describing it. I somehow had lost touch with reading them, but now that I have, I don't want to stop. Tinkle lovers must still have their collection intact and just can't let go of them. In India, Tinkle tops the list in the most Classic Indian Comics books and is followed by Chacha Chaudhary, Champak, and Panchatantra. Our eyes glitter, adults act like kids, and there are fights in the family to grab that fresh new Tinkle copy. I am sure every kid must have had copies of Tinkle Digest (now Tinkle Magazine) to read while traveling by train/buses during vacations to their hometown. Tinkle is known for Shikari Shambu (SS) and Supandi, they are etched into our memories. The first comic I always read was SS and Supandi. SS with all his antics somehow manages to just turn out to be the hero in the end, and Supandi with his ...

My Favorite Nature Stories by Ruskin Bond - Book Review

Ruskin Bond and his books!! Aren't they just AMAZING!! Unfortunately, this book is my very first, and I can't wait to dive in for more of his books. I was checking on GoodReads for the books written by him and the list is endless. I am clearly going to have an excellent time reading them. There is a famous Bollywood movie adaptation on his book 'Susanna's Seven Husbands.' Favorite Nature Stories is a collection of all of Ruskin Bond's favorite write-ups on Nature. This book was released as a tribute to Ruskin Bond by his Publisher 'Rupa Publications' on his 82nd birthday. He expresses his gratitude that he could never receive a more perfect gift. Reading Ruskin Bond stories is like unleashing that creative part in you that you never imagined could exist. This book is full of short stories where he shares his experience; when he was surrounded by nature, be it in the laps of the Himalayas, his old rental stay in Mussoorie, or London. Nature n...