
Showing posts from September, 2020

MIЯЯЯO: at THƎ WƎIЯⱭ WAYWAЯⱭ by Manoj Kumar Sharma - Book Review

  Book: MI ЯЯЯ O: at TH Ǝ W Ǝ I Я Ɑ WAYWA Я Ɑ Author: Manoj Kumar Sharma Genre: Fiction Format: Kindle My Rating: 4.1 / 5 stars Review: Manoj's debut book 'Mirrro' is a perfect action-packed entertainer with the ideal amount of action, drama, love, and suspense. All that you would definitely find in a Bollywood flick. As I was proceeding, I could see images rolling in my memory, and I really had popcorns throughout the novel. Expressing all the uncanny techniques to resolve India's predicaments is absolutely unheard of and displays the author's creativity. We invariably believe that each New Year, there'll be a New Progressive India. But will that actually be true? Will all the prevailing difficulties that India is suffering be abolished? Will there be further obstacles generated due to all the scientific inventiveness? The author has conscientiously exposed New India with its current problems and how it hits the general people. The vices, i...

The Best Friend. Two Friends. A Murder. A Secret that Binds them Together by Akash Verma - Book Review

Book: The Best Friend. Two Friends. A Murder. A Secret that Binds them Together Author: Akash Verma Genre: Thriller Format: Kindle My Rating: 4.1 / 5 stars Review: It is my debut book by Akash Verma, and it left me thinking. Pondering what, you ask, then it's about the friendships we achieve in our lifetimes. When we get buddies with someone, does the counterpart return with the same level of affection, or is it just manipulations? Not only the others, but do we also keep the relationship with sincerity, or is it just for our self-indulgent wants. Why do we complicate circumstances when everything is so simplistic. Lemme start with what I definitely love about this book: The cover: Unquestionably beautiful; it gets you engaging by merely staring at the photo. The blurb: If the book cover wasn't captivating enough, the blurb clearly piques it up. I mean, who doesn't love a novel that is full of mysteries and thrillers, right!? The no...

Earth to Centauri: Black Hole Oblivion: One Ship. One Crew. No Escape. by Kumar L - Book Review by Architha Manikandan

  #bookreviews When's the last time you had an all-time high on knowledge?   "The strength of a leader is not how fast they hold on to their principles, but what they are willing to give up for their followers" - Kumar L   Book- Earth to Centauri: Black Hole Oblivion: One Ship. One Crew. No Escape. Author - @kumarlauthor   Being an enthusiastic fan of Stephen Hawking and astrophysics, I've never come across any science fiction that talks about white holes and binary stars. Anti-matter had been a topic of interest in many books ever since 'Angels and Demons' was released, but the lesser known entities in the universe were always kept in the dark (literally and figuratively). Until now.   'Black Hole Oblivion' is a very well researched book, and it takes some time for us to process every bit of information presented in it, due to the immense detail. The author has showcased his knowledge of the universe in a brilliantly written story, t...

Breathtaking by Courtney Turcotte Bond - Book Review

Book: Breathtaking Author: Courtney Turcotte Bond Publisher: All The Everythings Publishing My Rating: 4.8 / 5 Stars "If you donate your organs, you will certainly enhance someone's life, and most likely, you will save someone's life." Review: Breathtaking, Courtney's debut novel is a marvelous piece that is motivated by real-life youngsters (the real heroes), and I am so glad that I got to read this one. Adam, Cara, and Reid, you are the cutest people, and you'll have grown to be my most beloved personalities. I covet we were buddies in actual as well. Breathtaking is regarding the ties of friendship and affection. There is an elegant fabrication of sentiments of joy, melancholy, heartbreaks, neglect, expectations, and recognition. This book, with its story, unquestionably teaches us a lot about life, nothing is constant. If there's a shadow of tribulation, there's also peace, and all take their course to emerge. This book not just m...

Everything And Nothing by Nilotpal Kumar Dutta - Book Review

Book: Everything And Nothing Author: Nilotpal Kumar Dutta Publisher: Tara India Research Press Genre: Historical Fiction Format: Kindle My Rating: 4.5 / 5 Stars Review: You feel the brunt of a situation when you and your closed ones are, in reality, going through it. That's what precisely happened to Damyanti, our protagonist, from Everything and Nothing. The politics for separatism were embedded by the British for increasing division amongst the Hindus and Muslims to control India peacefully. 'Divide and Rule' said the Outsiders, and politicians seem to live by it even now. Author Nilotpal has splendidly scripted the novel, including all the circumstances and situations that we had only faintly learned in our history lessons. How hard it must have been for the people who had to, in effect, endure it. I have rarely come across a separation narrative that of India and East Bengal. Kudos to the author for doing a noteworthy study on the topic; representation o...