The Growth Hacking Book: Most Guarded Growth Marketing Secrets The Silicon Valley Giants Don't Want You To Know by Parul Agrawal, Rohan Chaubey, Lisa Robbins, Brad Szollose - Book Review
Book: The Growth Hacking Book: Most Guarded Growth Marketing Secrets The Silicon Valley Giants Don't Want You To Know
Authors: Parul Agrawal, Rohan Chaubey, Lisa Robbins, Brad Szollose
Genre: Non-Fiction, Self-Help
Format: Kindle
My Rating: 4.3 / 5 ⭐
My Review:
Are you held back in your blogging trip & can't comprehend how to move ahead in getting members? Do you own multiple social media pages & don't know how to handle it? This book provides solutions to all the questions. I am so glad I chose to buy this book; it has cleared my reservations & provided me a plan & clarity as to where I need to go forward in my blogging adventure.
Gone are the days when people worked with a pen & paper to jot down their ideas, publish them & later broadcast via the newspapers. Now, if a business ain't part of the digital world, then it's difficult to accept that it really survives. Add to it, in today's Covid events, digital communications have seen a tremendous hike. So if there's a digital ubiquity, then there has to be Digital Marketing that connects the fans.
Businesses now pay a lot of capital in increasing their digital presence & achieve their audience's awareness. I, for one, thought that to be victorious, I ought to shell a lot from my pocket or simply do by whatever traffic I get on my blog. But that's not correct at all. This book has several suggestions & action points that show precisely how to enhance digital presence.
The various contributors in this book are stalwarts of their own domain. They provide pointers that are not only practical but also analyzed on themselves as well as the different organizations they have worked with. This is the kinda book where you must sit with your notes & quickly begin implementing them on your own company. After seeing the author's biography following every section, it leaves you motivated a little more than before.
I would definitely suggest this book to everyone to open up your mindset & its influence may better continue driving you forward.
One Tip: Rather than delaying executing all the valuable info presented in the book, once you study a particular section & see it's related to you, directly begin using it in your job. It works phenomenally!
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