A Caller's Game by J.D. Barker - Audiobook Review
Book: A Caller's Game
Author: J.D. Barker
Format: Audiobook
My Rating: 4.4 / 5 ⭐
My Review:
I took up A Caller's Game due to its compelling title & blurb. Being a fan of live radio shows, reading the book's summary, I couldn't restrain myself from requesting this audiobook from NetGalley. I have never read Die Hard (which people are stating is similar to this plot), nor any of J.D. Barker's books, but I am happy I could listen to this action-packed thriller which ain't less than a film in any sense.
As the writer mentions, this whole novel is more character-driven than plot-driven. But, I sensed that it got dragged uselessly & I got worn out midway. I had to inwardly make myself set for the long tale-telling. The narrators' voices befitted the male & female personalities which brought the account to a totally another level. Nonetheless, you don't realize you are holding your breath till you actually free it at the end of each episode.
This exciting novel is all regarding good v/s evil, kindness v/s selfishness. The narrative from the POV of two actors provides a more handy picture of the account & the situations both currently face. Every part gets more interesting than the earlier one. However, some of them could have been let go. The tale is puzzling, unusual & at one time agonizing. I would recommend this one to all thriller fans.
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